Meet Felix: Introducing Barack Obama

Andy Bruckschloegl, Felix Haas, and Dr. Bernd van's Gravesande with President Barack Obama

Felix was preparing for one of the biggest moments of his life: standing on stage in front of 8,000 people and introducing Barack Obama. No pressure!

1. Get confident with your content.

When he contacted me, he was completely prepared with the content of his pitch, had everything memorized, and had the support of his entire team — but he still wanted to feel as confident as possible.

He wanted to make sure he delivered his message clearly, and that it was landing in the way he wanted it to. His speech was not only informative, but also very inspirational.

2. focus on vocal techniques.

The first thing we focused on was how to implement Pitch, Rhythm, and Volume so the audience heard exactly what he wanted them to hear. By utilizing these techniques, the important information “popped” and came to life.

3. Focus on Body Language.

One of the other things we focused on was to make sure that the confidence he felt inside was being reflected on the outside as he stood in front of 8,000 people.

We worked together, shifting and adjusting his posture, focusing on his gestures, and moving purposefully around the stage without being distracting.

Felix was able to improve his clarity and confidence because he was focused and worked hard. He was committed and consistent in the rehearsal process with me, and his presentation was a huge success! He received tremendous feedback from both colleagues and strangers. And most importantly: he felt great!

There’s a lot about performing that many people don’t know. Do you want to achieve the same results as Felix?

Schedule a complimentary discovery call so we can talk about your current challenges and come up with the steps you need to unlock the secrets of the rehearsal process, learn how to speak clearly, stand confidently and comfortably, and make a huge impression on your audience!

Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Hope to talk to you soon!

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